Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond

För klinisk forskning speciellt i cancersjukdomar


Call for Application:

AG-Award 2021

The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application regarding AG-Award 2021.


Assar Gabrielsson’s Award will be awarded for an outstanding dissertation in Cancer Research issued from the University of Gothenburg in Västra Götaland Region during the past three years.

The Award is an extra research funding by 100 000 SEK.

The application together with appendices shall be sent to the Foundation’s office no later than February 1, 2021. Additional information can be requested after submission.

Read more on Assar Gabrielssons Award Öppnas i nytt fönster..

Link to the application form Word, öppnas i nytt fönster. in English.

About the Assar Gabrielsson’s Award

The Board of the Assar Gabrielsson’s Foundation decided in November 2015, to develop AG-Award in order to stimulate the clinical research.

Each prize category is awarded with an extra research funding by SEK 100 000. The applicant has the possibility to apply during max. three years after the dissertation and must select what category the application will be registered as: basic scientific or clinical cancer research.